Homemade Apple Cider

Homemade Apple Cider

This recipe is definitely one of my Fall staples. I usually keep this in stock around this time of year since I’m baking so many apple-based desserts. It can be used in Apple Cider Donuts, cakes, or served hot as a drink.

Tips & Tricks

  • When making this recipe you do not want to boil the mixture. Boiling will simply cause the water to evaporate, leaving you with barely any liquid. Your goal is to essentially steep the apples like you would with tea leaves. By steeping you allow it to be hot enough to release the flavor of the apples while keeping most of your liquid.

  • This recipe takes about 2-3 hrs to make. It can be cooked longer but I prefer a shorter version since I'm not making that much.

  • As always you can always sweeten the mixture to your liking or even add more spices if you prefer a stronger, more heavily spiced flavor.

  • I used Red Delicious, Pink Lady, Gala, and Granny Smith apples when making this recipe. When picking your apples just remember that Granny Smith is more on the tart side and your sweeter apples will be those such as Gala, Fuji, Ambrosia, and Red Delicious.

The Recipe


6 apples (cut into quarters)

1/2 orange ( you can leave this out, I just like a hint of extra flavor)

6 cups of water or just enough to slightly cover your apples

5 cinnamon sticks

10 allspice corns

7 whole cloves

1 cup dark brown sugar (granulated is ok as well)


  1. After washing the apples you are going to cut them into quarters. There's no need to remove the seeds since you will strain the mixture at the end.

  2. Add your water and sugar to a pot and stir. After doing this add your apples and spices and then juice your orange over the pot. Feel free to cut up some orange scraps and place them in the pot for a more citrusy flavor.

  3. Allow the mixture to cook on low heat for 2.5 to 3 hours and slowly stir occasionally.

  4. Mash your mixture with a potato masher about halfway through so that the apples are able to release their flavor.

  5. Continue to cook until the time is complete. Once the cooking time has been reached allow your mixture to cool and strain it.

*This can last in the fridge for up to 5 days and can even be frozen and used for a later date.


Apple Pie Filling

Apple Pie Filling

Apple Cider Donuts

Apple Cider Donuts