Apple Pie Filling

Apple Pie Filling

This is an easy must-have recipe, especially with Thanksgiving approaching. This is a recipe that you can make ahead of time for pies so that you are able to cut down on prep work. This is especially helpful if you're the only one doing all the cooking for Thanksgiving. This recipe is perfect for apple pies, turnovers, cakes, or any apple dessert. If you plan to make your desserts later, place this in a Ziploc and place it in the freezer. To thaw, put it in the fridge the day before baking.

Tips & Tricks

  • When picking apples I typically get primarily sweet apples and maybe one or two tart ones.

  • This apple filling can be stored in the freezer for a few months but I try to only keep it in the freezer for a week or two.

  • When making this recipe I tried to keep the apples somewhat firm since they will be baked again in another dish. If you like softer apples feel free to cook until your preferred texture is reached.

The Recipe

9 apples of your choice (Be sure to peel them, remove the core, and slice them into bite-sized pieces.)

½ stick unsalted butter

½ cup brown sugar (dark or light is ok)

½ cup + 2 tablespoons white sugar

1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon


  1. In a large pot on low heat add your butter and allow it to melt.

  2. Add your sugar and continue to keep a low-medium heat/flame mixing continuously so that the sugar doesn’t burn.

  3. Add your apples and cinnamon but be sure not to cook the apples completely. You will want them to heat up enough just to release their water but your goal is not to cook them all the way through if you want them to still have some bite. You should only cook them for about 5-7 minutes on low to medium heat.

    ** Remember they will be baked again in your next dish so they don’t need to be cooked all the way down.

  4. Once this time has passed you will use a slotted spoon to remove your apples and set them aside in a bowl. You will notice that the apples have created their own liquid. You will then turn up the heat to medium/high and cook until the watery liquid until it turns into a smooth caramel-like consistency. Be sure to mix quickly so that it doesn’t burn.

5. Once your mixture has reached a caramel-like consistency (like in the picture below) you will turn off your heat and let it cool for a few minutes.

6. Once your mixture is warm (not hot) you will add your apples into your warm pot and mix. This allows the apples to be coated in the caramel-like sauce you have created.

**You will then allow the mixture to cool completely and then store it in whatever container you prefer (I typically use freezer bags)and you can store this in your fridge or freezer.

Apple Fritter Cake

Apple Fritter Cake

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